Sunday, October 27, 2013



So today, hubby went to church with all the kids and then to my in-laws house for lunch, while I stayed home finishing my studies. Well, lunch came along and I got hungry but didn't feel like making a huge meal since it was only me at home. I decided to finally bake the spaghetti squash I bought out of curiosity that's been sitting on my counter for like over two weeks. I heard that spaghetti squash is a healthier alternative to pasta, so I decided to buy it with the intention of wanting to try it one day. Well this was the day I decided to finally attempt to make spaghetti squash. And it was much easier than I thought it would be. I washed and cut the spaghetti squash in half, seasoned with salt, pepper and a little Vegeta, put it on a parchment lined baking sheet and baked at 375 degrees in the oven for about an hour and 45 minutes. I let it bake in the oven while I continued with my studies. When it was done, I took it out of the oven. Mmmm it smelled good!

With a fork, I carefully pulled the top of the squash part with the seeds off. This part you don't eat. I gave this part to my chickens and boy did they enjoy eating it :)

 Once the top of the squash with the seeds is removed, with a fork you can start pulling the spaghetti away from the inside of the squash shell. I was amazed how easy it was and so cute oh and of course healthy!

I seasoned with a little more salt and pepper, added some fresh dill and sprinkled some goat cheese on top. Yummy! It was so good and because it is so healthy, I didn't feel guilty having another serving. I added some hummus to the second serving and I gotta say it was delicious. 

I will be making spaghetti squash more often from now on and experience with some sauces and other toppings to create different healthy meals. Hubby and I love eating freshly made homemade food and I'm thankful that my children are unlike other kids, and that they love their vegetables, fruits, and prefer homemade meals over junk food or take out.

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